
Monday, March 29, 2021

Against/for the tour Beatles - Social Studies

Their were two different perspectives of the Beatles world tour, their were a large group of teenagers especially girls that were mostly for the Beatles world tour, but a majority of the older generation were against this situation.

Against the tour 

  -  A majority of the older generation of New Zealanders were against the Beatles world tour, due to the    Beatles lyrics being more sexualised towards the young teenage girls. But not only them sexualising        them but more encouraging them for sin in their life.

- Also a lot of people were against the tour not only cause of their choice of lyrics, but the way their were     outrageous majorities of crowds every where the Beatles went and a lot of the police had to restrain            girls from the Beatles so they had room to move around from place to place with big fences holding the     young teenage girls back.

For the tour 

 -  Despite the fact their was so many people against the Beatles world tour. A lot of the younger generation especially a massive majority of teenage girls were so much more for the Beatles world tour, because these young girls were so hypnotised by their looks and choice of song lyrics due to them never hearing anything like this in their lives before. It made these young girls fall for them fast because it was something new and different that they hadn't experienced before.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Hey Jude - The beatles

These are some of the lyrics from hey Jude sung by the Beatles -

Hey Jude, don't make it bad.

Take a sad song and make it better.
Remember to let her into your heart,
Then you can start to make it better.
Hey Jude, don't be afraid.
You were made to go out and get her.
The minute you let her under your skin,
Then you begin to make it better.
And anytime you feel the pain, hey Jude, refrain,
Don't carry the world upon your shoulders.
For well you know that it's a fool who plays it cool
By making his world a little colder.
As you can see by the lyrics it is about a heart break and they were trying to make a positive outlook on a sad situation. By writing a song about his heartbreak and saying to just let it go and not get down and out about it, but to be more positive about the situation. 
The older generation didn't like the fact they were influencing relationships, but also sexualising them. But compared to the music back in their days it was more innocent and random. So when the Beatles started realising music it was a great shock to the world and the older generation, but to the younger generation it was soul grabbing and freeing for their body. It was a revolution for history, people were mesmerised by not just their songs but them as people too.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Testing ph - Science

 Aim - To test the pH of a range of household chemicals.

Equipment - A variety of household chemicals, spotting tile, red litmus paper, blue litmus paper, Universal indicator solution and safety glasses.


1 - Add a few drops of each chemical to a spot on your spotting tile if a substance tile. If a substance is solid or powdered you will need to mix it with.

2 - Test the chemicals with litmus papers blue and red.

3 - Test each chemical with a few drops of universal indicator.


When we used toilet cleaner with the blue litmus it turned the litmus red instead of blue, this shows us that toilet cleaner is an acid because red shows that its a acid because it is at the bottom of the ph scale also known as 1 . But when we used universal indicator it went yellow/orange which is just before green on the ph scale so this could be from 3-5.

When you test blue or red litmus paper it can only turn from an acid or base no in between so either blue or red. But if you were to use universal indicator it could go from any scale of the ph scale so it could be neutral or from anywhere between 1 - 14.


Monday, March 15, 2021

Significance of WW1 - The last post

 When do you hear this song ?

    - You normally hear this song at ANZAC services, or war memorials/services.

Why is this song significant/important to New Zealand ?

    - To remember those who fought for us in world war 1 or for those who fought for their countries all over the world for remembrance.

What is the history behind this song ? Why was it played ?

    - This song was played when the soldiers were ordered to do something or if it was time to eat like dinner. But also it was a symbol/alarm or sign to say it was time to eat, sleep, wake up, fitness time and inspections etc. 

What does this song represent ?

    -  It represents the soldiers that died for us and our country who fought for us even though they didn't stand a chance against them, but they still went and fought for our lives and country.