
Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Trolley dilemma - English

 What would you do in the trolley problem?

  • Well either way you're going to get blamed for killing someone, because if you kill the five people and don’t make the shift people are going to wonder why you would’ve rather killed five people rather than one. But if you make the shift to kill just the one person you would probably get more sincerity from the people you would’ve had to explain why you did it. 

  • But you could just say you did it to save five lives instead of saving one person even though you had the option to save five lives, but you had to explain to 5 peoples families and a lot of the world for your reasoning to just be willing to kill the five people, even though it was all under your control even if you just tried to ignore it.

Monday, July 5, 2021

Wind racer - Science

Aim:To make a wind racer.





-Bamboo/metal rod





-Plastic Bag

-Popsicle Sticks


1.Put the metal rod in the trolley.

2.Cut pieces of material into squares.

3.Draw on the paper for creativity.

4.Gather and cut pieces of tape and string.

5.Stick the materials to the metal rod.


Discussion: The four forces acting on the wind racer were:

Gravity - The gravity helped to keep it down on the ground instead of it flying in the sky, and then the wind made it than fall over.

Support - Support helped it by the ground keeping the wind racer up instead of it going down straight away.

Pull - The wind racer stopped when it couldn't get pushed any longer.

Push - The leaf blower pushed the wind racer forward or eventually for it to tip over.


The wind racer did eventually work properly, but at first we had the leaf blower to close to the wind racer which caused the push to be to strong the wind racer couldn't handle it. But then we tried again and it did work because we moved back more and it moved forward.

Why did it slow down?

The wind racer slowed down because the leaf blower was too far away so the wind coming out of it didn’t reach it and the pull caused it to stop as it couldn't get pushed anymore, so that would mean the pull was bigger than the push.

What would you do differently?

Make the wind racer better in terms of Structure, design and wind resistance. I would also use the leaf blower better and put the wind racer further away from the garden so it doesn't full in.