
Monday, May 31, 2021

Fire extinguisher test - Science

 Aim: To show that carbon dioxide gas is produced when a metal carbonate reacts with acid.


1. Add a pea sized amount of the metal carbonate into one of the boiling tubes.

2. Place this boiling tube into a test tube rack. Ensure you have the bung and delivery tube ready.

3. Add 5 ml of acid to the boiling tube and quickly insert the bung and delivery tube into the mouth of the boiling tube.

4. Holding the other boiling tube with your tongs, capture the gas produce in the other test tube.

5. Wait about 1 minute so the tube will be full and then get your partner to light the wooden splint.

6. When the test tube is full of gas, then carefully remove the tube from underneath the delivery tube.

7. Then carefully place the burning splint into the test tube.

Result: This experiment lead to the gas we made by adding hydrochloric acid and sodium carbonate to produce sodium chloride + oxygen + water, this gas cause it to put the lit splint out.

Discussion: We used hydrochloric acid + sodium carbonate = Sodium chloride + oxygen + sodium chloride to create this gas.

Conclusion: It did work it was to show what gas puts out fires like a fire extinguisher uses the same type of gases we used to put out the flame on the splint.

Monday, May 24, 2021

Water pollution - Social studies

In social studies the last couple weeks we've been watching videos and researching information about world wide problems including the great pacific garbage patch and sea problems/pollution etc, and also how one guy got inspired to try help.

The great pacific garbage patch is a massive patch of garbage it ranges from North America all the way to Japan. The great pacific garbage patch is made of plastic debris which is basically plastic things that get dumped or swept into the ocean.

Their was also a guy called Ali who got inspired to start being more sustainable in his life and try help with all these sea problems. He got inspired because he had realised how much it was effecting our planet and especially our sea life which also effects us.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Testing for hydrogen gas - Science

 Aim - To show that hydrogen gas is produced when a metal reacts with acid.

Equipment - A test tube, a boiling tube, bunsen burner, wooden splint, a bottle of acid, a piece of metal and safety glasses.

Method -

1. Add your sample of metal to your test tube, then proceed to add your 2ml of acid.

2. Carefully invert the boiling tube above the test tube containing the metal and acid.

3. Hold the test tube together for a few minutes, allowing the time for the inverted boiling tube to fill with gas.

4. When you think the tube is full, Mr Heath came around and lit the splint with a lighter.

5. Carefully but quickly tilt the boiling tube full of gas upwards and insert the burning splint into the mouth of the test tube.

Discussion: We knew it was ready to place the lit splint in the test tube, when we had left the acid and metal in for 1 minute or a minute and a half, because it had started to heat/boil and release the gas and steam. 

We tried this experiment, twice for the first one we used hydrochloric acid but the result wasn't what we wanted we then tried it with a stronger acid known as sulfuric acid and the result became better.

Conclusion: This experiment did work due to doing all of this it caused it to make a popping noise when the lit splint was placed into the hydrogen gas, you had to place it in their fast and carefully for a better and louder result.