
Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Paper planes - Math

In mathematics this rotation we have been learning about geometry and algebra. In algebra we have been focusing on how it ties in with science. So the velocity formula, we used this formula to figure the speed of how fast we would throw the paper plane a certain amount of meters. This is my group and I's finished presentation, with our times and distances. Here is my presentation. 


- I enjoyed this rotation of maths because I feel as if we learned a lot of different things and understood more about different types of maths, and how it ties in with different things we need in life.

-I also like how we're allowed to drink water and eat in class and while still doing work.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Lemon power - Science

Lemon power

Voltage: Voltage is the energy that electrons get from a power supply. Voltage is used to make electrical components work, like light bulbs.

Current:Current is the moment of electrons. We measure current using an ammeter. An ammeter measures how many electrons pass it every second. Its is measured in Amps (A).

Aim: To create voltage out of a lemon.


1. Roll the lemon out so the inside is liquid.

2. Stick a piece of zinc and copper into the lemon.

3. connect the lemon up to a voltmeter.

Discussion : When we rolled the lemon we made the inside liquidy. What we did was we freed up all of these acidic charged particles. When its solid, Nothing is moving but when we make a liquid all of the particles move around and create a circuit. When we did it alone the voltage was 0.3 volts. But with the whole class it was 2.3 volts.
