WALT use a technique to carefully craft our writing .
Make a copy, rename and start your writing on your copy.
Click on the url below and watch the short clip.

Before you start writing Watch up till 1.15, think about what has happened? What has caused this? Why?
WALT write a descriptive piece of writing through the eyes of the boy.
Success Criteria
We need to focus on these things
Full stops, capital letters,
We need to follow the sentence tools for our opening paragraphs.
To start with you will write a description of the first scene, use the show not tell technique to create thoughtful writing. You are writing through the eyes of the boy. These are our sentence tools today -
Sentence 1 - If, if, if, then
Sentence 2 - 3_ed
Sentence 3 - 2A
Sentence 4 - Where opener
Sentence 5 - Adverb opener
Sentence 6 - Short sentence
Sentence 7 - Tell: show 3 examples;
Sentence 8 - Short sentences
Here are some examples

Go to this padlet Titanium and start writing your ideas, words feelings adjectives similes and metaphors.
Once this is completed you can publish it on your personal blog.
If I wasn't bullied if I wasn't as dum if I didn't have powers then none of this would of happened.I was scared depressed and fared because of what I had done.I had a nervous feeling in my body I am crouched down on a old dirty piece of paper.I stand up furiously off the old dirty piece of paper.I slowly walk past a classroom as one of the teacher looks at me and frighteningly closes the door.I slowly walk nervously past the police.I hope on the red old rusty bike.As I screw up my face bite my yellow nails and nervously crouch down.I rush into my quiet little house.But something wasn't right but then...