This term we have been learning about preservation has changed since the early days.I have learn't that it is better to use bees wax is better than using glad wrap and it is better for the environment.
I am a student at in Uru Mānuka. In 2020 I was a year 9 and in 2021 I will be a year 10. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note....some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.
Thursday, November 23, 2017
Thursday, November 9, 2017
Storyboard parihaka
Monday, October 16, 2017
News report
WAl how to write a newspaper report
Crime scene
by Shontae Henare
In New Zealand, Christchurch there has been a crime committed.
Where in Christchurch? In the suburb of Hornby at Delmain park on October the 25 2016.The family are devastated about this tragedy. They are sad because she is only just young as she is only 11. The investigator’s said “That it looked like she had been pushed or had dived in”. They were not sure how long she had been there for.We have asked the family if they knew she was going to be there. They said “They did”. That is all the news we have right now.

100 word challenge,
Term 4,
Friday, September 22, 2017
The piano
WALT write a descriptive piece of writing from the old mans point of view as he recalls his memories.
The Piano
By Shontae
I see my black piano in the corner I haven’t played it since my wife died .I walk over to the piano.As I’m playing the piano I start to remember memories.From when me and my wife played the piano.I Imagine her sitting right here with me beside me playing the piano.She holds my hand and she kisses me as she fades away.More tears start going down my eyes .As I play a lovely tune on the piano.I remember when I went to war.I could hear gunshots they were so loud I can’t describe how loud they were.I can feel the light brown dirt under my big heavy green boots.I can remember leaning against the old grey brick wall.I could remember when I asked my friend if he was alright to go out there on his own he said he was fine.Suddenly he got out from behind the wall.But then all I see is him fall down.I hold him in my arms as I shiver in fear. I scream in fear. no you can’t do this to me.He whispered something tell my family and friends I love them.Then he slowly shut his eye’s and said good by my friend.I screamed “NOOOO YOU CAN’T DO THIS TO ME”
I thought I was going to be next to go down like him.I made him a promise it was that I would fight for him and win this war and I never gave up.We won I kept this promise and never broke it.We wore green hard hats.Another tear drop goes slowly down my face.As I wipe it away with my old wrinkly hands.My memory starts fading away.I look in a corner and I see me giving my son a present it was a wooden horse.It was wrapped in a light blue box with a shiny ribbon.He has a suit on with a hat and shoes.He thanked me for his present I said that was fine you deserved it.That was the first time I had seen him happy in a long time since his mother and my wife past away.It made me happy to see him happy.About 16 years later he had a kid of his own which is my grandchild.About a few years later my son past away.I was so sad when he past away because it reminded me of when my wife past away.But my grandchild still has the wooden horse to remember my son and his father.Then my grandchild came up and sat next to me as I taught him how to play the piano.He said to me I love you grandad.THE END
Te ngahere
WAL about te ngahere, the rakau, the kararehe, the manu and risks to the forest.
I hope you learn something
Te ngahere,
Te reo Maori,
term 3
Thursday, August 24, 2017
Sierre Leone Mudslide
World Events for your writing
I’m sure you won’t have missed the events in Barcelona, Spain this week or the devastation caused by the mud slide in Sierre Leone and the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia. The prompt this week uses the emotions that the media has shown us.
Latest prompt
As I said at the top of this page, the events around the world this week:
… as it came rushing towards us we…
The mudslide
I was casually walking down the old concrete roads.When it all came rushing towards me.It was as brown as bark and as runny as pulpy orange juice.Suddenly I was running as fast as a cheetah.My heart was beating as fast as a drum.I see this big mudslide come towards me, it comes closer and closer as it gets faster and faster.Suddenly more people start screaming for help.It was as loud as a motorbike.All I could think about was all the people that had lost their lives and families that have lost relatives.
Sierre Leone,
term 3,
The mudslide,
Friday, August 4, 2017
Kayak designed
I have chosen a red slalom C2 kayak with a black outline with red base I have 3 strips and one black triangle.I think teachers would or people that really like kayaking it may not be the best paint job or best design but it’s still pretty good.
WALT to make connection with what we've already read.
For this task we had to design a kayak after we designed it we had to describe it.
The day I went blind
The day I went blind
I was watching the weather they said it would be a stormy night.When all of a sudden I heard thunder and lighting.
I screamed! “Everybody needs to get out of the house run”
We run outside quickly.But then there was a flash of lighting BOOM! it went black.It was as black as oil.
I screamed! “AHHHHH HELP ME”
They called the ambulance.I got rushed to the emergency room.I survived but I won't be able to see for years.It's been a struggle for me not being able to see.I wish that day never happened.
Friday, July 28, 2017
I have learnt that all the different parts of the shape’s have to be all the same size they some can't be bigger that other or some can't be smaller than others.
I hope you enjoy my slideshow.
I hope you enjoy my slideshow.
Monday, July 3, 2017
WALT be cybersmart using a game called Interland. In this game there are 4 different cyber worlds each focussing on a different part of cyber smart. The green mountain which is the one we started with is about being kind and caring. I got to the top of this mountain and scored 280.
Then I decided to have a go at the mindful mountain which is about trying to get rid of the bully's.
I am learning about cyber smart by using this game.
Screenshot of your score
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Measurement slideshow
WALT estimate and measure to the nearest centimetre
We had to do a slide presentation about measuring I learnt that my foot was bigger than other peoples foot and I learnt that my hand was smaller than some of my friends hands.
I hope you enjoy my slideshow on measurement.
Friday, June 16, 2017
Facts about paua
WAL about paua
We had to watch a video and get facts off it we also could type up facts on the internet then we had to put it on a thing link or a slide show.
My favourite part was all of it.
We had to watch a video and get facts off it we also could type up facts on the internet then we had to put it on a thing link or a slide show.
My favourite part was all of it.
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
Hide-and-seek Numbers
WAL about the numbers that are 100 behind or after 101 behind or after.
My favourite thing was the whole thing.
We had to write the number say 523 then 100 before that would be 423 that is basically what we had to do but it just got harder and harder.
hundreds hide and seek,
term 2
The digestive system
WAL about the digestive system.
We had to look at diagrams and we had to look at them carefully and read the information about the digestive system.
The respiratory system
WAL about the respiratory system.
My favourite part was the google drawing it was my favourite part because I wanted to see how well I did at drawing it.
Respiratory system,
The nervous system
WAL about the nervous system.
My favourite part was when we did the google drawing.
We had to watch a video and gather information and right the information down.
Thursday, June 8, 2017
Matariki design
WALT use information to create a new invention.
We had to create a google drawing of a machine that would help people in the olden days to harvest or to plant stuff so it would be easier.
My favourite part was when we draw it.
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
How other countries celebrate Matariki
WAL about how Matariki is celebrated around the world.
My favourite part of it was basically all of it.
I learnt stuff that I didn't know like how other countries also celebrate Matariki I didn't think other countries celebrated Matariki.
Thursday, June 1, 2017
Facts about mokihi
WAL about mokihi and how they are made.
We went onto a matariki thing link and watched a video on mokihi.
Next we we got a choice on creating a thing link or a google slide show to share our learning.
My favourite part was gathering the facts and writing them down.
We went onto a matariki thing link and watched a video on mokihi.
Next we we got a choice on creating a thing link or a google slide show to share our learning.
My favourite part was gathering the facts and writing them down.
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
The answer is whats the question.
WALT do our basic facts and multiplications
My favourite slide was the basic facts slide because it was fun I already knew them all.
This week my number is ?
WALT solve multiplication problems.
We had to choose a number and then we got to do all the activities on all the slides with that number.
My favourite slide was the box one.
My favourite slide was the box one.
Solve problems,
term 2
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
WALT use a technique to carefully craft our writing .
Make a copy, rename and start your writing on your copy.
Click on the url below and watch the short clip.
Before you start writing Watch up till 1.15, think about what has happened? What has caused this? Why?
WALT write a descriptive piece of writing through the eyes of the boy.
Success Criteria
We need to focus on these things
- Full stops, capital letters,
- Paragraphs
- We need to follow the sentence tools for our opening paragraphs.
To start with you will write a description of the first scene, use the show not tell technique to create thoughtful writing. You are writing through the eyes of the boy. These are our sentence tools today -
Sentence 1 - If, if, if, then
Sentence 2 - 3_ed
Sentence 3 - 2A
Sentence 4 - Where opener
Sentence 5 - Adverb opener
Sentence 6 - Short sentence
Sentence 7 - Tell: show 3 examples;
Sentence 8 - Short sentences
Here are some examples
Go to this padlet Titanium and start writing your ideas, words feelings adjectives similes and metaphors.
Once this is completed you can publish it on your personal blog.
If I wasn't bullied if I wasn't as dum if I didn't have powers then none of this would of happened.I was scared depressed and fared because of what I had done.I had a nervous feeling in my body I am crouched down on a old dirty piece of paper.I stand up furiously off the old dirty piece of paper.I slowly walk past a classroom as one of the teacher looks at me and frighteningly closes the door.I slowly walk nervously past the police.I hope on the red old rusty bike.As I screw up my face bite my yellow nails and nervously crouch down.I rush into my quiet little house.But something wasn't right but then...
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Facts about Italy
WALT refresh ourselves using thing link.
Thursday, May 11, 2017
Dissecting a kidney.
Facts about kidneys
Friday, May 5, 2017
Make a copy, rename and start your writing on your copy.
Click on the url below and watch the short clip.
Not far off the Somali coast one of the big Vestel cargo vessels is taken over by pirates! Within a split of a second the ship has a new captain, the soup is gone as well as the cargo itself. Will our Vestrons be able to strike back?
Before you start writing think about the setting and imagine you are there.
Somali pirates take over a huge cargo freighter at sea. Things don’t look good for the crew, until the pirates start to investigate the cargo—Vestrons! Engage!
WALT write a narrative through the eyes of one of the crew, or robots.
- Describe the setting in detail.Think about words to describe the situation, what you see, smell, taste, hear. Try to use words that create the mood.
- Now…..Write a first person narrative through the eyes of one of the crew or one of the robots. How you are feeling when the boat is invaded by pirates.
Go to this padlet Somali and start writing your ideas, words feelings adjectives similies and metaphors.
Once this is completed you can publish it on your personal blog.
I was stuck in this container it was metallic white.I looked through a gap I saw were the captain was where he stared the ship so we couldn't crash.I could hear the dark blue sea crashing against the white shiny boat.It was as shiny as ice at the ice skating rink.I heard this sound it was like arhhhh. It was getting louder and louder I heard loud foot prints.I could smell muddy dirt..I got out of my container out of the top of it.I hear these things open up my container.I heard them say where's the car's gone.Then all the robots started coming out because I told them to.We have these things the a bit like walkie talkies.But i’m the leader so if something bad happens i’m the one that has to tell them.I jump off my container and I see these humans their in these ripped, old, faded pants.There tshirts looked almost like they were made out of sheets old dirty ones that were left on streets of Somalia.They had these old hats that didn't even have a top it looked like they just ripped it off.They called themselves pirates.I told the other robots to take care of these ones and check all the other spaces apart from where the captain steers the boat.I start walking up to where the captain is up the stairs.I hide behind a little cabinet.I here a pirate say guess who I am i’m the new captain gemme me the keys.The captain's face was in fare.The pirate repeats it.Give me the keys he takes the shiny grey keys.They were as shiny as gold.The captain runs straight pass me I quickly hide.After I see he's gone I jump.I tap him on the shoulder and turn him around so he can see all his pirates on there knees.I ask him for the keys he gives them to me in fare.I give the captain his keys and he says thank you.We go back in our container and so far they haven't come back.
Thursday, April 13, 2017
Beyond the lines
Beyond the Lines
Make a copy, rename and start your writing on your copy.
Click on the url below and watch the short clip up to 3 mins 16 seconds
Before you start writing think about the setting and imagine you are there.
The opening sequence of this film swoops across the Normandy landing beaches.
It is to here that we are taken, first we see the eye of a scared soldier and then a group of soldiers huddled together on transport vessels ready for battle. Once discharged they race up the beach – it is at this point that we realise that something isn’t quite right.
Two young boys are caught up in the battle surrounded by pale, paper-faced soldiers.
WALT write a narrative through the eyes of one of the children or one of the soldiers.
- Think about how the men on the boat would have been feeling as they huddled on the boat on their way to their impending doom.
- Think about words to describe the battleground, what you see, smell, taste, hear. Try to use words that create the mood.
- Now…..Write a first person narrative through the eyes of one of the children or one of the soldiers..
Go to this padlet Beyond the LInes and start writing your ideas, words feelings adjectives similies and metaphors.
Once this is completed you can publish it on your personal blog.
Beyond the line
I was sitting on the rusty old ship.It was as rusty as an old rusty scooter.As I was sitting there thinking how it would be going to war in Turkey, I look at the ramp going down and I get ready to run.
I start running, I run out of the ship. As I’m running out of the ship I can already see bombs blowing up.This was louder than I’ve ever heard, I didn’t think that war was like this.
As I look around I see people die every minute. I hide behind some metal to try and dodge the bullets and bombs.
I look in front of me and and I see the blood dripping down his leg. As I'm sitting down I think to myself the longer I run, maybe I will go faster to get to our trenches, I hope.
I get up and start running again I just felt like the bombs and bullets were getting closer and closer to me. I heard people yelling in pain. I feel like I should go back and help him, but I think to myself I’ve got to keep going I can't risk it.
We finally got to our trenches but there was only about 30 of us left.Most of my friends got killed apart from 2 of them. I could smell rats, blood, mud and more I couldn’t believe what happened.
Now I look back at it and think to myself why did I go? What did I think it would be like. It was an experiment and I didn’t believe that could happen.
I’m lucky to survive and about 15 of us survived.That's what war in the old days was about it wasn't a vacation.
Friday, April 7, 2017
The cloud
The Cloud
Make a copy, rename and start your writing on your copy.
The cloud came from the sea.....
He was not like other clouds,
The wind could not command him,
The more he saw, the more he did,
And the more he did, the more he became,
You see he wasn't just a cloud...
He was a cloud made of more.
Click on the url below and watch the short clip
Before you start writing think about the following questions:
Where this strange cloud came from? It cannot be commanded by the wind, who is controlling it? Does the cloud have a purpose in life? Does the cloud have a personality?
WALT write a narrative.
Describe the cloud growing up, being just another ordinary cloud in the sky until one day..... Something happened to change all that.
We know we have done this when:
We have written what the cloud is thinking as it discovers what it’s purpose is in life and we have described some of the adventures that have happened.
Go to this padlet The Cloud and start writing your ideas, words feelings adjectives similies and metaphors.
Once this is completed you can publish it on your personal blog.
The cloud
I was made by a spy company called ASP that means agent spy people.But only the people that want to apply or work there know the name.When people walk past they normally think what kind of name is that ASP thats such a weird name.But they just don't know the meaning of it.The person who created me was a person that actually made me at her house.That's how she got the job because if you want the job you’ve got to make something that will impress the boss.I’ve been on many different missions to help the police get evil villains and bad people.There's this one mission that I have to do it’s to find out where he lives and keeps people and turns them evil.His name was Mega Crush.But really he's actually a dwarf he just makes robots to destroy the city and to catch people like police, good people, spies and more.I was traveling around when I saw a purple tower it looked like a Mega Crush tower.I look around I see a window.I make myself smaller so I can fit through it.I see Mega Crush I turn invisible so he can't see me. He’s putting a chord in one of his robots.I quickly grab water and chuck it at him.I escape out the window as I’m watching the tower blow up.I got lots of interviews from lots of different news reporters and every night I go home and replay them.THE END
Friday, March 31, 2017
Mice for sale
WALT: Find proof in the text
Friday, March 24, 2017
WALT solve addition problems by first adding a tidy number and then subtracting a small number to compensate
I hoped you enjoyed my video and it helped you
Thursday, March 23, 2017
Dragon fruit
Walt: find specific evidence in the text.
Thursday, March 16, 2017
WALT jump through tidy number’s using a number line to solve problems.
Ki ora today i'm teaching you how to jump through tidy number on a number line.
Tidy numbers are 10,20.30 and on.I hope you enjoy my video
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